Thursday, April 25, 2013

Blog 21: Independent Component 2

(a) I, Eric Santizo, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
(b) With the help of Ortega, I did my independent component on, a free online courses built by proferssors. There are many courses anyone can take with topics like art history, philosphy, to economics. This is where I did partially most of all of my independent component, which I surprisingly enjoyed. 
(c)Spreadsheet hours
(d) I completed Unit 1, talking about the elements of an Entrepreneur, on the course I was taking, BUS305: Small Business Managment. It had lots of interesting and knowledgable readings, so I did a LOT of reading. There was also some videos and assements but it consisted more of readings. I also did part of Unit 2, building your team, to get my hours. I plan to finish all Units but it really is time consuming but enjoyable. 

For my indepent component, it is a lot of reading and watching videos on my own will. Through every unit and subunit I have written down notes.
This was my first assesment were I had to plug in the right vocabulary in the passage. The words are red but it actually means that I got it right not wrong. 

This is my Saylor Portfolio. The cours that I took was BUS305. I am done with 30 hours but not done with the whole course yet, it is 151 hours total. I am planning on finishing it.
This is the first page of notes I took. It is on the Introduction Readings of Unit 1 talking about entrepreneurship and economist. 
These are futher notes into the course.  
And more notes about the difference of an entreperneur and intrapreneur. 
This component really helped me understand my second answer better which is understanding business. I got a history background on small business and how popular they were until around the 1880s, with bigger businesses coming up. Even though big compaines and businesses have down sized small business, they are still popluar because they cultivate characther and builds democracy. It has also taught me the meaning of an entrepreneur, the elements one has, and what they do. Right now I am on Unit 2 talking about managment; I plan on finishing that and the rest of the Units.  

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