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· Kurtis Beckstorm
Phone Number:1(626)551-8222
What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?
- The most important thing I gained from my experience with my mentor was seeing and understanding how difficult it actually is to run a skate shop. At the beginning of the year I thought that being an owner of a skate shop would be the easiest and funnest job to have. It was shocking to see how busy Kurtis is and the struggles he faces with his shop. I learned how important it is to be connected with your shop at all times, just really being on top of things and getting them done. I learned that being connected with your shop 24/7 is a great thing but very diffucult to do. I found this important because it showed me the struggles and benfeits it would be to run a skate shop.
How has what you’ve done helped you to answer your EQ? Please explain.
- I realized how important and diffucult it is to attract customers to your shop. With knowing how important customers are I reasearched marketing strategies eventually leading me to a marketing plan. Through my mentorshio I came to conlusion on how important marketing is. Covert Board Shop, recently moved locations so we sent fliers to previous customers that have boughten there. Every flier cost 40 cents each and we sent thousands of fliers to customers. I saw how important it is to keep in contact with your customers and trying to attract new ones.This is one example that made me believe how important a marketing plan is to have a profitable skate shop.